Our Safety Program
For information regarding Gibbons Erectors, Inc. or Gibbons Crane Rental Safety (Fall Protection, Pre Task Plans, Weekly Safety Meetings, Stretch and Flex, Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA), Heat Illness Prevention (HIP), Injury Illness Prevention Plan (IPP), Hazard Communication, & Respirable Crystalline Silica Programs. Job Specific Integrated Work Plans (IWP) can also be provided including drug and alcohol policy, background tests, physicals, quality control program.
For Job Site Specific information regarding Gibbons Erectors, Inc. or Gibbons Crane Rental; Safety, HAZCOM, & Silica Programs, please contact Brett Gibbons at Brett@GibbonsCraneRental.com

100% Tie Off System

We have always been able to tie off but the problem is how to do it safely and address the greater hazard.
During the erection of deck units (tees or hollowcore) at all levels over six feet. We tie off 100% of the time when within six feet from the edge of the structure.
For the erection of support elements, columns, beams, wall panels and the erection of the tees in each bay at all levels.

The equipment provided is a retractable lanyard pre-attached to the highest structural element, ie. a column or wall panel.

A rope is attached to the retractable so that an employee can pull the cable down to attach it to himself.
For the erection of tees at the highest structural level where the column or wall mounted retractable is not feasible.

The equipment provided is a tripod mounted retractable lanyard. The tripod mounted retractable lanyards are pre-attached, on the truck.
The erector uses the column mounted retractable to access the deck and then if required he attaches to the tripod mounted retractable once he is on the deck.

A 6 foot warning line is provided to allow erection personnel to work without tie off when working a distance greater than 6 foot from the buildings edge.
We continue to use the retractable lanyard attached to the highest support elements when needed for beam or wall erection.
-Fall protection is provided for beam and wall panel erections
-The customer from the outset sees that you are complying with your plan.
-Leading edge fall protection is provided with the greatest amount of erector mobility in case of an unexpected event.
-Helps with difficult access areas such as ladder access and small areas of deck on a structure.